Night has fallen. Shall we think of the world of a Japanese myth for a while in a sacred environment with flickering torches?
“Sato-kagura”, or literally town Shinto music and dance, was performed at Tenso Shrine near the southeastern border between NISHIOGI and Ogikubo in the annual festival held on October15,2022; the program was called “Yakumo- shin’ei orochi-taiji.”
Kagura is music and dance in a Shinto ritual to worship the gods. There are two kinds of kagura: “mi-kagura”, which is performed at the Imperial Court and “sato-kagura”, which is acted in a ritual of local shrines.
This program refers to the mythology of Izumo (currently eastern portion of Shimane Prefecture) in which the god subdues the furious big serpent, Yamata-no-Orochi. Musical instruments used here are flutes, a drum and a shime taiko (drum with its head pulled taut by ropes).